Barry's life was tough, raised in London's rugged East End in the 60s and 70s, until he made it in business. When a Banker screwed his business, he had to leave the country for work in Saudi Arabia. Along with two beautiful "business ladies" he met in Dubai he cons the bank in a revenge scam. After the Banker hunts down and cruelly abuses one of the team, their loyalty to one of their own knows no bounds.
To save their wealth and 'Face' amongst their friends, they fight back with equal spite. Who are the rogues here in this tale of rough justice?


In this second Dream Team adventure, the team fight a Thai people trafficker and a kidnap for a forced Islamic marriage. Barry, Annie, and Stella's matchmaking vacation in Thailand brings them up against a woman who traffics in human beings. Stella's father's attempt to gain honour by kidnapping & selling his daughter takes them across West Africa. They fight injustice by getting down & dirty. Those cultural concepts of Face and Honour are tackled with violent retribution & rough justice. Their fast-moving and unconventional lifestyle parties them through in this romp of a tale.

This 3rd of The Dream Team Adventures moves from Tantric hypnosis in an escape from Saudi Arabia, to Lin Fu's wedding in England. Battered undercover cops, Fire rituals, spiritual awakenings, the rescue of a whole village from a maniacal priest in the mountains of the Philippines, and a dramatic finale with Chinese State Security in both Manila and Hong Kong. Lots of Face loss, Fire magic, and Moral Dilemmas. Who are the rogues here?

The Dream Team, a group with an unconventional approach to business expansion, recruits like-minded individuals to fight injustices, often disregarding the law. Their training incorporates Taoist principles and spiritual practices, while their missions involve taking down corrupt figures and scams, from an Irish developer to an Iranian friend's Spanish property deal. Their global adventures and unconventional practices challenge conventional beliefs, and their eclectic mix of free spirits remains anti-establishment.